Overview of trauma treatment in the framework of integrative child psychotherapy
Childhood trauma undermines the feeling of safety and takes a heavy toll on the formation of self-image and the perception of the surrounding world.
This case study describes psychotherapeutic work with a nine-year old girl, who experienced traumatic event caused by her father. Following the critical event, the father was hospitalised. Upon completion of his clinical treatment, he became withdrawn, which changed the family dynamics. During the course of the critical event, the girl experienced overwhelming fear. Early on in the course of the treatment, she complained of being irritable, feeling anxious about most of her school activities and having nightmares.
Psychotherapeutic treatment extended over a period of one year and was divided into three stages. The initial phase focused on the establishment of the therapeutic alliance and development of the sense of safety. During the central stage of the treatment, the focus was on creating the trauma narrative and processing the experience. Final stage of the treatment focused on building patient’s personal resources and improvement of her overall functionality.
Doživljena traumatska iskustva u djetinjstvu narušavaju osjećaj sigurnosti i utiču na oblikovanje slike o sebi i svijeta oko sebe.
Ova studija slučaja opisuje psihoterapijski rad s djevojčicom (9) koja je doživjela traumatski događaj koji je izazvao njen otac. Otac, nakon kritičnog događaja, biva hospitaliziran a nakon toga se povlači u sebe i od tada se mijenja obiteljska dinamika. U toku kritičnog događaja, djevojčica je doživjela intenzivan strah. Na početku tretmana djevojčica se žali na pojačanu razdražljivost, anksioznost vezanu za većinu školskih aktivnosti i noćne more.
Psihoterapijski tretman je trajao godinu dana i odvijao se u tri faze. Početni cilj je bio izgradnja terapijskog odnosa i razvijanje osjećaja sigurnosti. U središnjem dijelu tretmana radilo se na kreiranju traumatskog narativa i preradi traume. Završna faza je rezultirala jačanjem resursa i poboljšanjem funkcionalnosti.
U radu je prikazana integracija kognitivno bihevioralne terapije fokusirane na traumu sa elementima terapije igrom i korištenjem crteža tokom prerade traume.
This paper illustrates the integration of trauma-focused Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) with elements of play therapy and use of drawing, used in this case to facilitate processing of the trauma.