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Mia Roje Đapić
Affiliation not stated
Gordana Buljan Flander
Affiliation not stated
Ana Raguž
Affiliation not stated
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Alienated Parents’ Experiences - Other Side Perspective
Vol 4 No 4 (2021)
Submitted: Dec 13, 2021
Published: Dec 13, 2021
Alienated / targeted parents are a relatively neglected population in scientific and practical terms, although it is estimated that more than 10% of parents experience or have experienced this form of domestic violence. Few studies to date have shown serious consequences for their mental health of with the perception of insufficient system support. The aim of this paper is to deeply explore the experiences and emotions of alienated / targeted parents before, during and after separation / divorce, stressing their cooperation with institutions and their needs in Croatia, given that no such research has been conducted in the region yet. Based on in-depth interviews with 17 alienated / targeted parents, this paper provides an overview of their experiences: (a) the influences of primary families; (b) unclear circumstances of the termination of the romantic relationship; (c) false accusations of violence; (d) the path to helplessness; (e) reflection on other aspects of life; and (f) needs by the system.