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Andrea Kordić
Psychologist, Child and Adolescent Integrative Psychotherapist, Department of Psychiatry, University Clinical Hospital Mostar
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Work with Nina whose parents are in higly conflictual divorce
Vol 3 No 3 (2020)
Submitted: Apr 8, 2020
Published: Apr 8, 2020
This case study describes psychotherapy work with a seven-year-old girl Nina whose parents are in high-conflict divorce. Within a month since beginning of our psychotherapy work behavioural changes occured in Nina’s behaviour: crying, sudden mood changes, separation and sleeping problems. The first part of psychotherapy was about creating secure and confidental relation with the girl but also with her parents through counseling and psychoeducation. The main goal was to strengthen and conncet inner image of the mother and father in the girl thus integrating split parts of personality. The focus of work with the parents was to raise awareness of their responsibility and obligation as parents, that is to protect the child from suffering by creating safe, stable and predictable environment. Psychotherapy work lasted for five monts, discountinously and it is terminated due to parents’ non-cooperation.